標緻308 gti

Peugeot has written the sequel to its best-seller, produced in 760,000 units since the model was launched. The new Peugeot 308 is the latest chapter in a saga that recounts a tireless search for excellence. This new vehicle is a milestone in the brand&#39

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  • 由充滿熱情與專業的 PEUGEOT SPORT 冠軍賽車團隊為 PEUGEOT 熱血車迷全心全意打造的運動車款 308 GTi by PEUGEOT SPORT ... 308 G...
    性能旗艦 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport - PEUGEOT 汽車官方網站 | ...
  • 正由於此級歐系鋼砲的競爭早已進入白熱化的階段,為了能夠在操控表現和性能實力等方面成功達到狙擊對手的目的,新一代308 GTi將不再只是從一般版本強化、升級而來,原廠請來Peugeo...
    Peugeot - 撰寫革新篇章 Peugeot 308 GTi葡萄牙海外試駕 - 汽車 ...
  • 308 GTi By PEUGEOT SPORT 拂曉的獅友晨跑,下午的全家出遊!308 GT i By PEUGEOT SPORT 擁有冠軍團隊調校底盤,搭配渦輪增壓缸內直噴最大...
    PEUGEOT 汽車官方網站 | 法國汽車品牌
  • Peugeot 308 GTi性能鋼砲、將於近日於Goodwood Festival of Speed首度公開亮相,搭載1.6升THP S&S渦輪增壓引擎,提供247匹馬力...
    247、266匹兩款動力,Peugeot 308 GTi性能鋼砲將於Goodwood ...
  • Error 301 Moved Permanently. Moved Permanently
    308 GTi - Official International Peugeot Website - Peugeot ...
  • 除了既有的208 GTi之外,Peugeot仍有意擴展旗下GTi性能車系的產品陣容。 根據澳洲媒體「CarAdvise」披露,Peugeot將推出搭載1.6升四缸渦輪汽油引擎的全新...
    RCZ R動力沿用,Peugeot 308 GTi即將問世? - CarStuff 人車事 ...
  • Peugeot has written the sequel to its best-seller, produced in 760,000 units since the mod...
    Peugeot 308 GTi (2018) - pictures, information & specs ...
  • 繼208 GTi及RCZ-R之後,Peugeot又再一次推出會令性能車迷熱血沸騰的新作,308 GTi即將在2015年6月25至28日就要舉辦的Goodwood速度嘉年華中正式發表...
    250、270雙動力版本-Peugeot 308 GTi將在Goodwood嘉年華發表 - ...
  • Peugeot 308 GTi Ever since Peugeot unveiled the 308, its more athletic counterpart had bee...
    Peugeot 308 GTi (2016) - pictures, information & specs ...
  • The PEUGEOT 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport has been developed by fellow enthusiasts - the PEUGEO...
    PEUGEOT 308 GTi New Car Showroom | Hot Hatch Sports Car | ...